Did you know machine manufacturers recommend yearly service to keep your machine running smoothly and efficiently?!
We pride ourselves in our outstanding attention to detail when servicing your machines. When cleaning your machine we take the covers off to remove all lint & dust, check all wearable parts and replace if necessary, and make any needed adjustments to timing etc . We then oil and do a sew out.
Our policy is to get your approval for any repair or part that costs $25.00 or more. You will never be shocked by the cost of your repair at pickup.
Our service center isn't limited to just the Bernina brand, either! Other brands serviced include Singer, Brother, White, Janome, Baby Lock, Viking, and Juki.
Items to bring with your machine: Foot Control and Power cord, any foot that allows for zig zag and decorative stitching, and universal stitch plate (allowing for zig zag and decorative stitches).
Please call the shop with any questions!